Thursday, September 25, 2014

What's Happening at WMES

We Have Great Things Going on at WM

For the month of September at Monday Morning Assemblies, our Counselor Mrs. Allen has  talked to the students about Respect.  She has shared with students, one way to show respect is by speaking to adults and looking at them when they are spoken to.  It has been wonderful to see students getting off the bus, giving eye contact and speaking when an adult says "good morning."  Many even ask "How are you today" or say "Have a great day."  :)

 The Bats are Coming the Bats are Coming!"

Last Friday, the "bat lady" as she is informally known as, came to WM to talk to our second grade students.  She actually brought several live bats.  They were all very intrigued when she took the large bat out of the  cage as she shared various facts about bats with the students. 


WM Students Give Back

West Madison Fourth Graders are giving back.  They are collecting soccer equipment for the children of Haiti.  If you remember, Haiti was struck by an earthquake back in 2010.  It is one of the poorest countries in the world, after reading a story about the Haitian people in class, Mrs. Lawrence and students decided to "spread a little cheer" to the Haitian children.  The students even used the items collected for a math activity. Way to go 4th Grade.  :)


A Special Visitor to WMES

  We had a special visitor to WMES this week. The students were greeted by the Chick-fil-A cow as they got on the bus that afternoon.  It was so wonderful to see the kids excited. 

This Week with Sci-Quest

Our Sci-Quest adventure begins.  Our students have participated in wonderful activities designed by Sci-Quest Science Center.  Grades 3-6 looked at the inside of a computer.  Below you will see pictures from their experience.  The activities they will participate in will involve computer application. This was very interesting.

 (Let there be light) This is definitely "Super Amazing!"

On Monday the Kindergarten students learned about the difference between frogs and toads.  They totally enjoyed the activity.  Next week, first grade will have a lesson called "Bounce, Bounce" and second grade will talk about Penguins.  I am excited to see what they all learn. 
While your children are having lessons with Sci-Quest, teachers are participating in professional development.  We are analyzing student data, talking about what strategies are best for particular students and designing lessons that are meaningful to students.  Thank you parents and PTA for helping to make this happen for us. 

The  West Madison Juggling Team will be in the Bob Jones Homecoming Parade.  Come out and support them. 

 We have had a tremendous week.  It is a great day to be a Wildcat :)