Saturday, September 26, 2015

Look What's Happening at West Madison

Look What's Happening at West Madison

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you for all the donations for the Survivors of Nepal!

So many donations poured in from books, to toothbrushes, to balloons.  

Mrs. Allen told me one of the Kindergartners wondered why they needed balloons.  She told him they were easy to pack.  The children do not have toys to play with but balloons are fun and light and easy to pack.  :)

Having fun in Kindergarten this week!

I can write sentences with the word See!

Making rainbow words!

I love listening to a good book!

We had a Wimbledon Tournament going on in PE!

See You at the Pole was a great event!
A record breaking number of students and parents participated!

Students read their favorite scripture!

Project Lead the Way STEM Exploratory Class had a visitor who talked about DRONES!

So Fun!

Upcoming Events

The Madison City Principals are running a Marathon Relay to raise money for St. Jude Research Hospital.  

We will begin our fundraising event on Monday September 28-Oct. 16.  

Check out my fundraising page.  Look for special events to help raise money in the coming week!

Monday, September 28 - Campaign begins 

In Monday morning assembly we will view a video clip about 

St. Jude.

We have had many students over the past years who have 

benefited from St. Jude.

I run for our current and past students who have gone to St.

Jude Research Hospital.

School Goal:  $2000

Class Goal:  K-3  $80    4-6  $100

If the class reaches their class goal, the class will receive a 

popcorn party!

If all classes in the grade level reach their goal, I will 

participate in PE with each grade level!

Look for the Adorable Pet Contest and Pajama Day!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Look What's Happening at West Madison

Look What's Happening at West Madison

Friday, we received a visit from some Rock Stars!
The Bob Jones Cheerleaders and the Bob Jones Football Team!

The Highlight of my day and Mrs. Miller's day is getting into classrooms!  There's lots of great instruction going on!
3rd Grade Problem Solving

Math in Art?  Who Knew!
3D Art

Learning with Mrs. Lawrence happens inside and outside the classroom!
"Mrs. Lawrence Look what we found!"

The Little School with the Big Heart!
Service Project for Napel Earthquake Survivors!

Upcoming Events

Join us for Thursday night dinner at Moe's!

Coming Soon!
The Madison City Principals are running a Marathon Relay to raise money for St. Jude Research Hospital.  

We will begin our fundraising event on Monday September 28-Oct. 14.  

Check out my fundraising page.  Look for special events to help raise money in the coming week!

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Look What's Happening at West Madison

Look What's Happening at West Madison

We began our week with the first assembly!
It was so wonderful seeing the students all seated listening to their peers.  We had a treat, Mrs. Hobbs and Ms. Taylor led the students in singing our patriotic song.  Two of our sixth grade students gave lead the group.  

Several of our first grade students were recognized for completing their summer reading and math packet.  

I love our Assemblies!

First Grader Recognized

We had a great beginning to fifth and sixth grade Exploratory Classes!  Several students commented on how much fun they are having!  ~
~They are excited to learn~

Advanced Math Designing a Home 
Advanced Manufacturing
One of the many things they will be able to make!

3D Art

These were only a few of the choices students had!  

There are also classes in Coding, Chess, and Yearbook.  

Look What's Happening in art!

First Grade - Mindgear
They learned about Incline Planes

 Math Centers in Second Grade

 Spanish - Mrs. Tibbs class 
These students have had spanish for 3 years.
Spanish is also taught in K-3 grade!

Upcoming Events:
September 14-18  Fall Book Fair (Your child has a scheduled time)

September 14 PTA Meeting 5:30 - Immediately following the PTA meeting 5th grade teachers will discuss Camp McDowell and 6th grade will give information about Space Camp
Then join PTA for Pizza and the book fair! Pizza is $5 for all you can eat or $8 for a whole pizza. 

September 14-18
2nd grade, third grade and fourth grade will have Mindgear this week!  

September 21-25
Fifth and sixth will have Mindgear!

If you have not sent your donation in for Mindgear, please send as soon as possible.  Thank you for helping to make this wonderful experience for our students possible.  Every student participates!

Have a wonderful week!
I look forward to seeing you at PTA meeting tomorrow afternoon at 5:30.