Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy Holidays from the Faculty and Staff at West Madison

 Look What's Happening at West Madison

Third Grade working on Digital Research
What a fun way to finalize a research project!

Congratulations to our Spelling Bee Winners

I am so proud of all the winners from each homeroom.  Everyone did an excellent job!  

Joshua and Aubrey Ann Winners!

So Proud of our Math Team!

They have represented West Madison well at Tournaments This Year!

Fun in PE

Soccer Tournament
Soccer Tournament

K and 6th Grade Buddy Project in PE

K Buddy Time Working on the Project

Working on our K buddy project!

Lost and Found
Is your child missing a coat, jacket, lunchbox, etc? Please come by and see if it is in our lost and found.  We will be donating all items after the holidays to a local organization!

Upcoming Events

Dec. 14    PTA Meeting 5:30  3rd Grade Performance  (Holiday Shoppe will be open immediately following the PTA Meeting)
Dec 14-18  Holiday ShoppeDec. 18   Students Dismiss at 11:00   There will be no Expanded Day

Happy Holidays!  Merry Christmas!  Have a safe and winter vacation!'

We look forward to seeing you and your child on Jan. 6!

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